
NLP is in our deepest DNA. We are the leading researchers driving Khmer machine translation, optical character recognition, text-to-speech, speech-to-text solutions to the public and private sector. Several applications serve our clients to be seamlessly connected and overcome language barriers.
#Khmer ASR #Khmer Text Processing #Khmer Speech Processing
AI and machine learning offer countless opportunities for recognizing features in images and video content as well as to detect real-time objects. We teach computers how to detect sick crops, recognize emotions, count objects, and more.
#Computer Vision # Deep Learning #Machine Learning

data science
Data science is the underpinning science of many business models and business innovations. We deepen together with our industrial partner’s models to enable data-based decision processes and combat fraud.
#Big Data #Data Analytics #Data modeling # Data Visualization #Data-Driven
How can we transform a concrete building into a smart data-driven place for people? How to make agriculture smart by using the newest technologies? Together with our business partners we deepen relevant knowledge and create proofs-of-concept based on IoT concepts.
#smart home #smart office #smart agriculture
#smart building

digital policy research
Policymaking is more for us than black ink on white paper. We focus on evidence-based research and policy dialogue to drive innovation and empower our digital ecosystem.
#Policy consultation #Digital Policy Study #Innovation Policy