Sopheap SENG, PhD
President, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT)
Sopheap SENG graduated master’s degree of engineering from Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and master’s degree of science from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He get Ph.D from Grenoble University, France in Computer Science.
Dr. Sopheap was an engineer and database specialist at the National Space Center of France. He was lecturer and senior researcher at ITC and MICA Research Institute, Hanoi University of Science. Prior to current position, he was the Head of department of computer science at ITC. Sopheap is the founding president of the National Institute of Post, Telecommunications, and ICT (NIPTICT).
Currently, he is the President of Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), a research and education institution specialized in digital technology, which is transformed and expanded from former NIPTICT.